
Developments In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy Stages


First trimester of pregnancy stages refers to the initial stages of childbearing. It normally lasts up to 12 weeks of gestation from conception. Some doctors calculate the period from the very first day of last menstrual period to the 14th week.

This trimester normally appears to be very taxing for most of pregnant women. It is because so many hormonal changes start taking place in their bodies suddenly. They also feel an increased emotional quotient. Furthermore, the baby also develops at an amazing pace during this period. All these things confuse the first time mothers and they start wondering how to cope with all this. But all this confusion can be kept at bay by procuring basic information about these first few weeks of Pregnancy.

The first trimester of pregnancy stages is the most crucial phase for it greatly influences the development of the fetus. This is also the time when the mother would have to take maximum care of herself and her developing baby. If the mother retains the pink of her health during this phase, the fetus would definitely develop normally and would be healthy also. It is during these weeks only that the major systems and organs of the fetus start forming. Some developments take place right with the implantation of the embryo into uterine wall. The amniotic sac gets formed. This is followed by secretion of amniotic fluid, which acts as the life guard for the embryo. Made by a membrane covering the placenta from the side of the fetus, the fluid shields the fetus from injuries. It also helps in regulating the temperature of fetus.

Many dramatic developments and changes take place during first trimester of pregnancy stages. During this period, the terminologies also change very rapidly. This entails the new life implanted in the mother’s womb is termed an embryo during the first eight weeks. This embryo develops briskly and becomes a fully formed fetus in just three weeks. A full term fetus at the close of the first trimester usually weighs around an ounce and grows around 3-4 inches in length.

Changes Experienced By The Mother

During this phase, the body of the mother-to-be also experiences a lot of changes. The enlargement of the mammary glands causes swelling of the breasts. This is the preparatory step for breastfeeding that starts with tendering of the breasts. It mainly happens because of increased levels of estrogen and progesterone. To counter this, the expecting woman must wear a supportive bra. Darkening of areolas marks the second step of this preparation. The areolas are further covered by Montgomery's tubercles that are the enlarged sweat glands in the form of white bumps. Furthermore, the veins present on the breasts also become more prominent especially at the surface.

Then the uterus of a pregnant woman also keeps growing rapidly thereby exerting pressure on her bladder. This pressure along with the improved blood flow to kidneys may cause her to urinate frequently. Mood swings, morning sickness, and fatigue are also at their peak during the first trimester of pregnancy stages.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/developments-in-the-first-trimester-of-pregnancy-stages-1769974.html

About the Author

Visit the following link to know the do's and don'ts concerning the first trimester pregnancy. Also know about the benefits served by a pregnancy calendar and how it can help track the baby's progress.

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